Monday, September 12, 2011

Sept. 5-9

This last week we continued to work to introduce and review rhythms and counting for many of the older students.  We got to start playing "Rhythm Tic-Tac-Toe" with easy rhythms including quarter notes and quarter rests.  We will begin moving to more complex rhythms including eighth notes as well as half notes and whole notes.

With some of the younger grades, we continued working on steady beat while singing songs and playing some rhythm games that encourage steady beat.  We also began to play some games that invite the students to sing individually.  This includes singing with "Durwood", a stuffed dog puppet I use, and games like the "Button and the Key" game. It is funny to hear how much some of the classes cheer when I tell them we will be doing the button and the key.

This next week should bring more building of the basics we have started and even a lesson on the history of the "Star Spangled Banner".


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