Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Local Tour!!!

Today is the first performance of four this week for the students of Washington and Libertyville 3rd grades, 4th grades and 4th grade ensembles.

They will kick off the performances with a joint presentation for a luncheon at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds today at 12:45.  They will be performing the music from our spring concert that was so well received a short time ago.  They will not be doing the speaking parts, but they will be entertaining with the music.

On Wed, the Libertyville students will have two performances.  The first performance will be at the old hospital and will be a combined presentation with Washington again.  Then, after the conclusion of that performance, they will travel by themselves to perform at Sunnybrook on the West side of town.

Washington will be singing with Libertyville at 10:30 on Wednesday at the old hospital, then on Friday they will be performing themselves at Parkview at 10:00 am.

These performances are great for our students to be involved in and share their talents with many residents of Fairfield that might night have been able to come to the concerts.  They also will include relatives of many of our students, and I know they are looking forward to the performances.


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